Nicole Studzenski from


Love fashion? Peonies? And Coffee? Then this Cleveland mommy is the blog that has it all. Nicole Studzenski is the writer of She is a full time mommy, a full time employee, and maintains an incredible blog. What made me connect with her was the way she described going back to work in her post ‘on going back’. It was how I felt. In words I couldn’t really describe as eloquently as hers. But she understood and understood well. Nicole is a gorgeous person in and out and I am so excited she has shared with us the lessons she has learned as a mother thus far.


Nicole Studzenski from


Name: Nicole Studzenski
Children: Jake, 5 Months

What are your favorite products?
After I broke out in a rash from Johnson and Johnson’s baby lotion, we switched to Aveeno Baby products – they’re gentle enough for Jake and me! We also could not have survived without our MobyWrap and MobyGo carriers. Jake loves being close to us, but still able to see everything that is going on around him and these carriers are perfect for that.

Two things you learned that no one could have prepared you for:
Oh my word, the love you feel. It’s a ‘love-with-your-whole-being’ type of love. It makes you so vulnerable. And how much time you’ll spend breastfeeding (or bottle-feeding). It is astounding how often and long infants need to eat. Of course, the time spent cuddling your baby while breastfeeding is so sweet and rewarding that it flies by 🙂

Best advice you received:
When it comes down to it, you know what you’re doing. And only you know what’s best for your child. Being the best mama doesn’t mean following the rules, it means doing everything you can for your child.

Something you struggle with as a mom:
Remembering that our family is made of four. As we’re figuring out this new schedule life has us on, I have to keep reminding myself to carve out time for my husband and dog too. It’s so easy to have my life revolve completely around Jake some days.

How do you balance the demands of your career, family, life, etc.?
With a great support system. I am lucky enough to have a full-time job that supports alternative work schedules – so I still can have one day home with Jake during the week. My husband does a lot of the work around the house now so I don’t feel as stressed and he makes it a point to kick me out of the house on my own every once in a while so I can recharge. My in-laws are always on call to watch Jake for an hour or so a week so my husband and I can have a date night – even if it’s just to grab a burger.



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