Traveling with babies/toddlers/kids…it used to be potentially anxiety and stress inducing (maybe even dreaded). These days, as we live through an unprecedented pandemic, I think we will all be celebrating the day we can do any traveling at all! Give me all the road trips and cross country flights with my kids. I cannot wait to get back out there!

With that being said, let’s talk about some quick tips for travel and our must-have travel items so you can be as prepared as possible!

Our Top Travel Tips


Set Expectations

Recognize that your child’s sleep will likely be impacted and won’t be perfect, but that is okay. Set expectations with them (what their sleep arrangements will be) and with yourself (how you will handle being off schedule or in a different environment). And bring along some of the must-have items listed below to give yourself the best chance at success!

Remember the Routine

It does not go out the window just because you are not home. Sure, there is always going to be wiggle room and special things that arise, but do your best to keep your kiddos on the same schedule and routine that they follow at home. Bring the books, do the rocking, sing the same songs…this will help them be in the right frame of mind to sleep in an unfamiliar place.

Be Flexible

A complete contradiction to the previous tip! Just meaning that, you are on vacation and you want to have low stress and lots of fun and relaxation. If that means skipping a nap so you can spend the afternoon at the beach, do it! Just try and get back to the nap the next day. If you keep your baby up late so you can enjoy dinner with extended family and baby falls asleep in the car seat…no worries! Just do your best to get baby in bed the next night at their normal time.

Mimic Your At-Home Sleep Environment

If your child needs a certain stuffed animal to sleep, you would never forget that! Along those same lines, remember to bring the sound machine, the sleep sack, the special blanket, etc. All of the things that make your child’s sleep environment at home feel like their safe and special place should be packed so you can (as closely as possible) recreate that space when you are traveling.

Road Trip Times

If your baby will sleep in their carseat, leave for your road trip around bedtime for a good shot at them sleeping in the car during the journey.

Traveling By Plane

This is never ideal if you are doing it at bedtime, but it is still so important to stick to the bedtime routine. Recreate it as best as you can at 38,000 feet and you will give yourself the best shot at your child falling asleep for their night portion of the flight.

Bedtime Order

If you have children sharing a room on vacation, which is very common, put the youngest to bed first to avoid them keeping each other up! Wait until the youngest has been asleep for 20-30 minutes before going in and putting the oldest to bed.

Avoid Sugar

Vacations are all about indulging, and those ice cream trips with grandparents are something that should not be missed! Just do your best to have ice cream and sugar treats not around sleeping times. Maybe post-afternoon nap so that sugar can wear off before you try and put them down for bedtime.

Travel Favorites

1. BABYBJORN Travel Crib Light  – This crib is not only lightweight and extremely easy to set up, but it provides your baby a safe, comfortable space for sleep or play at home or on the road. It’s main feature is its plush, cozy mattress and a sturdy base that does not wobble. It’s not bulky in the least and makes traveling so much easier. We highly recommend it!

2. WubbaNub Infant Pacifier  – This pacifier makes it so easy for those little ones to find it and replace it during the night with it’s plush toy designed to give your baby comfort. This smoothie pacifier not only is made of medical grade silicone that is latex-free, but the adorable, bean-filled animal friend provides positioning support for the pacifier.

3. aden + anais Classic Muslin Swaddling Blankets  – By now, you might know how much we LOVE everything aden + anais offers, especially their adorable organic muslin swaddle blankets. These lightweight blankets are easy to use, comfortable, lightweight, and manageable to pack.

4. Ergobaby Four Position 360 Baby Carrier  – Sometimes, you just need to carry your baby for their nap while you’re out and about. And that’s just fine. Might as well carry them in a comfortable and supportive carrier! The Ergobaby 360 is a fabulous purchase for babies or toddlers! It grows as your baby grows.

5. The Gro Company Gro-Anywhere Blind  – Having a dark room is essential for a good night’s sleep, especially when your child’s body clock is on a different time zone. These easy-to-use darkening shades allow for any room to be dark in a matter of minutes.

6. SlumberPod – This is a great option for room sharing with a baby – it is breathable and provides the darkness your baby needs to sleep. It allows you the freedom to move above the room without the fear of them waking and seeing you! Use our discount code CRADLECOACH$20 when you purchase!

Sweet Dreams,

Certified Baby & Toddler Sleep Consultant



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