For Kids To Do

When we heard about Kimberly Harrington and her blog, For Kids To Do, we knew we had to learn more! For Kids To Do is Central Georgia’s go-to website for families who are looking for kid-friendly events and activities. We love Kim’s passion for her blog and her family, and we think you will, too! If you live in or near Central Georgia, be sure to check out Kim’s blog!

Name: Kimberly Harrington       
Husband: David
Children: Joshua 8, Noah 7, Levi, 4, and Caleb 18 months    

Tell us a little about yourself? 
I was born in South Georgia and moved to Middle Georgia in 1987. I graduated from college in 1997 and moved to Alabama for two years to teach. In 2000, I moved back to Georgia and have been here ever since. I met my husband, David, in 2002 and after our second child was born, I decided to “retire” from teaching and become a stay-at-home mom. We now have four boys, two of which I teach at home (okay, so not really retired from teaching), one in preschool, and one in diapers.

What inspired you to create for kids to do?
I have always looked for activities to do with my boys and there was no “one place” I could find them – I would spend so much time searching the internet to find something – and I decided that other moms probably felt the same way. So, was “born” in 2011. My husband came up with the name, and he built the blog, and off I went. I remember being so excited when I posted my first event!

Best moment in career thus far?
I would have to say two things. First, less than a year after I started the website, our local TV station contacted me about contributing to their blog. Later, they interviewed me on the evening news and even asked me to be in a commercial. It was a lot of fun. Second moment happened about 2 months ago. My boys were playing on a playground, and I struck up a conversation with a lady who was also watching her child play. As we talked she began telling me about this website she found that posts kids’ events in Middle Georgia. The more we talked, I realized that she was telling me about my website. Really neat to be able to say, “Well actually, that’s my website.”  

How do you balance the demands of your career, family, life, etc.?
Honestly, most days, I don’t feel like I do. J The best way for me to balance things is to get up early. If I can get up by 5:30, I am able to have my “quiet time”, work on my blog, and start my day slowly. The silence of the morning is so refreshing. Later, when my boys wake up and need me, I am ready to start my day.

 Two things you learned as a mom that no one could have prepared you for?
That as long as the children are awake, things will be busy. Talking, playing, singing, running – there is always something happening. On a more serious note, I learned that the first few months of a baby’s life can be very hard – especially with your first child. Now that I have four who are past that infant stage, I can say with confidence that the sleepless nights and constant crying will pass. And when you look back, you won’t think of the difficult things, but instead of the first time he smiled, or grabbed your finger, or took that step.

Best advice you received:
PUT MY BABIES ON A SCHEDULE!! Just knowing what they needed when they cried (most of the time) and getting a consistent bedtime/naptime made a huge difference for our family.   Even when we had three kids (ages 4 , 3 , and 1 month), I was able to lay them all down for a nap at the same time. It was so nice to have that quiet to be able to accomplish things or just breathe. J

 Something you struggle with as a mom:
After my second child was born and I began staying at home full-time, I struggled with loneliness. I didn’t realize it at the time, but this is very common among moms. My best advice to those who struggle with this – find a local Mom’s Group and church and get involved. Be real. Make yourself reach out to people. You will be surprised to find that there are many other moms who have the same struggles as you and just want a friend to talk to.

 What have been the biggest challenges or obstacles you’ve faced being a mom and how were you able to overcome them?
Thankfully as I look back over the past ten years, I can’t think of any real challenges or obstacles I’ve faced.

What is the perfect picture of “you time?”
Quiet. Being able to read a book or magazine while sitting in silence – so nice. And if you add a beach to that – perfection!


Thanks, Kim, for your time!



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