Rachel Eade of Chocolate Milk and Mustard Seeds


photo by Kat Braman

I LOVE this mommy! We both have sons that we named Hudson, so that made her instantly likable in my book. But more importantly, she describes her life with such fascination; making you realize that life is so precious and the time we have with our kids is valuable. She doesn’t take life for granted no matter what her schedule looks like. Family is first priority. Always. Not only is this blogger an incredible writer, but she is a skilled photographer. Her newborn pictures…unreal!! This wise mommy continues to teach me how to be a better mother, wife, and friend over and over again. Thank you Rachel for sharing your heart with us.


Rachel Eade of Chocolate Milk and Mustard Seeds

Name: Rachel Eade
Children: London (4 years old) and Hudson (1 year old)
Blog/Company: chocolatemilkandmustardseeds.com and Rachel Eade Photography

What are your favorite products?
Canon5dMarkIII, UppaVista Stroller, Didymos Ringsling, and Amazon Prime

Two things you learned that no one could have prepared you for:
The amount of coffee I consume. The amount of love I have to give.

Best advice you received:
Tust your gut. Always. Your instinct for your family will always steer you right.

Something you struggle with as a mom:
I struggle with the fine line between giving your child everything they need vs everything they want. I always want the value of what I give my children to be more than the quantity of items they receive!

How do you balance the demands of your career, family, life, etc.?
Know your limits and stick to it. My time with my family is more valuable than any blog post, portrait session, community outreach, etc. Family first. I have a big problem saying no to “outside” involvement, so sticking to my schedule matrix is a must!



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