Sarah Tucker of Sarah Tucker Events

003Tucker Fam

Sarah Tucker is not only gorgeous but stunning on the inside. I had the privilege of getting to know this mommy a bit back in college but really began following her talented event coordinating company/blog the last few years. She is tremendously creative but even more, her heart for her husband and son goes unnoticed. They are clearly her number one priority. I loved learning the lessons she has learned as a mother and I know you will also.


Sarah Tucker of Sarah Tucker Events

Name: Sarah Tucker
Children: JBT IV or “Tuck”
Blog/Company: Sarah Tucker Events // fairytales are true

Best moment as a mother thus far?It’s hard to pinpoint moments; because I feel I have a new one every day. I love just watching his personality develop; from what makes him giggle to even what frustrates him.

Two things you learned that no one could have prepared you for:
#1. breastfeeding was a struggle, and I never expected to end up loving it. #2. The unconditional love you feel in an instant.

Best advice you received:
babies don’t keep. a lot of things can wait or aren’t even important.

Something you struggle with as a mom:
I could say balance. but I think balance is a bit of a joke, personally. so I’ll go with letting go. this child of mine is Gods. I cannot position, or shield him from everything. I have to trust my baby is His.

What have been the biggest challenges or obstacles you’ve faced being a mom and how were you able to overcome them? Working is tough when all you want to do is stare at your sweet baby. Literally, babies are like campfires, it is so hard to look away. I’m grateful I have a lot of trusted help both with work and with my baby. But even then, the guilt of being away from your baby can be tough!

How do you balance the demands of your career, family, life, etc.?
I don’t do it very gracefully. I beat myself up a lot. Which is one reason why I have cut back on work. My family is what matters to me more than anything else. I want my actions to show that to them always. I have clients that understand that, appreciate that even. But still, I fail at the whole balancing act! I think I’ll forever be working on this one.

What is the perfect picture of “you time”? Now that I’m a mom, a shower alone is pretty much a vacation. ha. other than that coffee, a loooong brunch with girlfriends, reading on the porch.



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