Before- Twins Twins Twins…Beauties that come in two. I am always in awe when I look at the faces of two little beings that look so much alike. As parents of twins you know, double the fun can be double the sleep deprivation. It’s hard enough sleep training one child but imagine two… Lucy and […]

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Before- Mothers call me when they have tried everything possible to get their child to sleep. They usually sound helpless and exhausted. I come in and look at things in a fresh perspective, reviewing all that has happened and creating a plan that is best for the child. When Kyla called me she was in […]

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Before- When I walked into Avi and Orah’s home, Sophia’s beautiful blue eyes were the first thing I noticed. This scrumptious little girl is as sweet as they come. She was in the arms of her daddy, holding him tight and cuddling him up around his neck. It was as if she knew what was […]

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Before- This is one of the greatest Feature Friday’s I have ever had the privilege of writing. This beautiful family has allowed me to share their story to help others who may be going through this similar situation. Kendal is an 8 month old beauty who slept in 2-hour stretches at night from the time […]

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Before- If you have a two year old, you can understand the difficulty sleep training can be. For Duke’s mommy, Kathy, it was just that. This little boy is such a ham and when he walked out of his room asking to be in her bed, she couldn’t help but put him in. She didn’t […]

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I am the owner of and lead baby and toddler sleep consultant at The Cradle Coach. I am a family-first mom of three, goal-oriented entrepreneur, to-do list extraordinaire, avid dreamer and unshakable optimist dedicated to helping tired families all around the world give their child the best sleep possible.

I had the opportunity to take over The Cradle Coach from its’ incredible founder, Melissa Perry, in 2023. For over 11 years, The Cradle Coach team has been supporting, educating, and partnering with tired, busy families, to develop customized sleep training plans for their babies and toddlers.

If you are ready to go from surviving these precious moments with your child, to thriving – it’s time to make gentle changes and give your child the sleep they need!


i'm marli

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