If you’re a Mom, or were born sometime in the “Disney” era, chances are you understand this blog post title reference. (In case you don’t, watch Toy Story.) All cheesy play on words aside, the decision to have multiple children is NO joke.

Most moms will tell you that having one kid is hard. Some moms will tell you that having a second gets easier. A few will even tell you the third is easy, too. I’ve even been told by a family member that “it” didn’t become difficult again until her fifth was born. (Ummm, what?) No matter what you have been told, having any number of children is hard work! It is the BEST work. However, kids require 100% of you, 100% of the time. When you and your partner decide to “go for the second”, 3rd, 4th, or 8th, it’s more than likely something that you discuss at length before doing it.

For my husband and I there was no question that we wanted to have children so we were ready for the first. Soon after she was born, we were ready to try for the second — she made her debut to the world 15 short months later. And, we recently announced that we are pregnant with our third!

Now that I am expecting our third, I will tell you one thing for certain, if my girls weren’t good sleepers, there is NO way I would have been ready for the third. People often call us “crazy” and gasp at the thought of 3 under 3 — (which is what I will have in about 5 months). Truthfully, I want to ask those people who call me crazy if their children were good sleepers. For me, a 2.5 year old, a 16 month old, and a newborn is not a scary thought.

One thing you hear over and over when you are expecting is some variation of “Get ready to never sleep again.” Yes, newborn days are full of sleepless nights but kids can learn to sleep — mine did! Because of that, I was ready to grow my family again. If you are thinking about another child, I say this to you:

Do not be afraid. Kids are a blessing that fill your days with all of the most awesome things. If you are worried that you can’t handle it, take a look at your kiddos’ sleeping habits. If you are drained and tired and no one is sleeping, I don’t blame you.  I wouldn’t be ready for another kiddo either! Teaching your kids to sleep is something you are capable of and we can help! Don’t fear a big family! Your heart is capable of loving them all – to infinity and beyond.

Sweet Dreams,
Maeghan Spurr
Certified Baby + Toddler Sleep Consultant



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