We all know that sleep is important for our children but preparing them for a good nights sleep doesn’t just start during their bedtime routine – it begins in their day. Your child craves your attention and will do whatever it takes to get it – often times looking for it in the night when they don’t want to go to sleep. Here are 5 ways to build into your child during the day so that they become more relaxed and ready to sleep throughout the night.

Play in Their Space. Get in their room, sit on their floor, play with their toys, have a dance party, sing loud, and play hide and seek. It’s so important for your child to see mommy and daddy playing in their space. Not only does the one on one time create a bond but it also gives them security in the night that their room is safe.

Listen to Them. We all know that children have a lot to say. They are often expressing some sort of emotion even if it’s during a full on meltdown. Get on their level and explain to them you are hearing what they are saying and repeat it.

Put Down Your Phone. We are all guilty of scrolling for hours on Instagram or checking out the latest updates on Facebook and often while are kids are screaming to get our attention. Do your best to put your phone away and spend uninterrupted time with your child. Get down on their level and be a kid yourself – they will eat it up!!

Timing is Everything. Waiting until bedtime to spend any type of quality time with your child can often times lead to bedtime struggles. This is that individual time your child has been after, why let it go just yet! Dragging out bedtime with a few more books, or more snuggles, or even a tantrum can be the effects. Read some of those books in the day and snuggle on the couch while you are doing so. Don’t just wait till the end of the day when everyone is tired and lacking all energy.

Laugh. A lot. I typically find the more laughter that comes from mom and dad, the tighter bond that family posses. When mom and dad have a healthy relationship where there is a lot of emotion and physical touch involved, children actually tend to sleep better. Why? Because there is a sense of security within your child. Mom and Dad are here to love and protect me. Fear is not involved. If your child sees and hears you constantly say no, constantly yell, constantly get angry (and trust me, we are all guilty of it), fear and tears are only natural during bedtime and throughout the night. Laugh at them, be silly with them, laugh at your husband or wife and be genuine about it. These kids are so smart, they know what’s real and what’s fake!! The more you laugh, the more confident your child will become.



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