Please let me introduce to you one of the greatest business-minded inspirations I (Melissa) have in my circle, Lauren Shippy. I soak up her thought process and see details that I never knew I needed in my business, in the balance of motherhood, in my household, in my own thoughts and dreams. She truly has a gift that goes farther than her expertise. She has a heart to dig deep into lives, to help bring out their passion and desires and allow them to be obtainable. You guys, I can’t describe how excited I am about this guest post and the giveaway she has generously offered to one of our followers. The winner will receive a lifelong supply of blessings after working with her.

Ready, set, introducing Mrs. Lauren Shippy and StoryWork Consulting….

To the mom, business women, homeschooler, errand runner, chief cook and bottle washer, scheduler, meal planner, and so many other things – do you sometimes feel like you’re running the rat race and you don’t know why? Like you can’t catch your breath, get a break, get clarity, get organized or get focused….

In short, life is busy and by ourselves we won’t stop and analyze what made us the way we are, why we’re doing what we’re doing now and the difference between where we’re going and where we want to go. Sometimes it’s easier to keep running the race than to get off the treadmill and stand still to get a strategic plan and work on creating new, productive patterns.

I started StoryWork out of a passion for helping people and businesses get organized, find their purpose and bring clarity to them so that they can get a plan that actually makes new habits happen. It’s a lifestyle…not a short term goal sheet, and this process helps provide the steps to adopt that lifestyle, so that changes can belasting! I have seen so many people grow and consistently make space for things that they’ve been wanting to do for years, and it’s so rewarding.

When I had my first daughter, Ella, I felt like my life stopped – I totally had not anticipated how big of a lifestyle change it would be….and I struggled with postpartum depression. I remember feeding her and literally running to the car to get my errands done before it would be the next nap time and feeding all over again….and I couldn’t ever imagine how I was going to get anything else done. So 4 years later, I’m here to tell you, I made it to the other side! And I can’t say that it’s not still difficult, but those trials refine us and prepare us for greater things, and for me, this StoryWork process has been a result of what I’ve learned over these years of trying to “make it all work”.

If you want to have a plan that you can always go back to, make decisions on figuring out how to make times for the things you most want to do while understanding what’s ideal for who you are (personality type) and work through the biggest challenges or just downright annoyances every day – this is for you 🙂 We are giving away a package that will launch your dreams and making your life matter. Please click the link below to be entered into our giveaway!

GIVEAWAY PACKAGE ($250 value) Includes:

  • Personality assessment and review
  • Time evaluation
  • Identify current “hurdles” and develop new habit plan


To find out more information on a full service package that StoryWork Consulting offers, click the link below.

Full Service Plan ($475 value) Includes: 

  • Personality assessment and review
  • Time evaluation + calendar planning 
  • Identify current “hurdles” and develop new habit plan
  • Family mission statement development
  • Full life snapshot with habits and projects plan + 4 weeks of accountability calls

Who We Are – Life + Business Consulting
Grow yourself, your team and your business.

The longing to live for a purpose and have what you do matter is what keeps propelling us forward. The purpose of StoryWork is to help individuals and businesses make it matter – to live their lives and lead their companies with great intention, tuned in to their priorities so they can focus on maximizing their potential, whether that’s selling widgets,  being a parent, starting a company, or seeking to define what’s next. The StoryWork process identifies roadblocks, creates solutions, and develops a tangible plan for productive habits and action plans in order to help the the client reach their full potential.



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