Before- Grace is a beautiful, blue-eyed 14 month old little girl who wasn’t sleeping consistently throughout the night. On extremely rare occasions, Grace would sleep 11 uninterrupted hours. This was usually followed by two to three weeks of waking up multiple times during a night. Grace napped once or twice a day, for up to […]
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Before- Grant is an adorable little 9 month old boy who is a fantastic night time sleeper, but just didn’t have any desire to stop all the fun during the day and take a nap. Some days it would take his mommy, Ashley, about an hour to get him down and other days it would […]
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Ah summer. One of my most favorite times of the year. Mainly due to one word – Vacation! A word that brings joy to us all! Whether it’s a trip to the lake, camping in the mountains, or flying across the country, I just love being able to explore our world. But for many of […]
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Before- I have been hoping to write this feature for quite some time. I am a sleep coach for three main reasons. First, I want to help mommies get through the difficult phases of sleep. Second, I know how important sleeping is for children’s overall health and well-being. Finally, because there is a goal in […]
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Before: Olivia’s mommy, Jen, discussed prior to meeting with me the hardships they were facing with Olivia’s sleep. She was sleeping through the night at a very early age but when Olivia was around 4 months old, she stopped being that perfect little sleeper. Jen was okay with waking up once or twice a night […]
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I am the owner of and lead baby and toddler sleep consultant at The Cradle Coach. I am a family-first mom of three, goal-oriented entrepreneur, to-do list extraordinaire, avid dreamer and unshakable optimist dedicated to helping tired families all around the world give their child the best sleep possible.
I had the opportunity to take over The Cradle Coach from its’ incredible founder, Melissa Perry, in 2023. For over 11 years, The Cradle Coach team has been supporting, educating, and partnering with tired, busy families, to develop customized sleep training plans for their babies and toddlers.
If you are ready to go from surviving these precious moments with your child, to thriving – it’s time to make gentle changes and give your child the sleep they need!
Get to know me
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