Jessie Nelson of Nelson Notes


Jessie Nelson is one of a kind. Her heart is so big and her kindness shows in all she does. This mommy knows how to make you look past the constant go go go mentality to focus your heart and mind around here and now. Her family is adorable! Her blog is amazing! And I am so excited she is sharing the lessons she has learned as a mother.


Jessie Nelson of Nelson Notes


Name: Jessie Nelson
Children: Jedediah (3.5 years old) and Levi (15 months)
Blog/Company: Nelson Notes and Rock Creek Photography

Best moment as a mother thus far?I think my best moment in my short career as a mother thus far happened just a couple of weeks ago.

As I tucked Jed into bed one night he looked up at me and said, “You, Mom, my best friend.”

I think tears sprang to my eyes as my heart exploded into a million pieces and then melted into a puddle on the floor right then and there. Those little words mean the world to me!

Two things you learned that no one could have prepared you for:
1. The infinite and unconditional love I have for my children. 2. How hard it is to work around other smaller people’s demanding timetable. I was such a wimp in the beginning, but I’m so much cooler now.

Best advice you received:
“Your children won’t remember how messy your house was, but they will remember how much time you spent with them.”

Something you struggle with as a mom:
Going to bed on time and feeling too attached to my phone. Because of that, I’m known for leaving my phone behind in the house or in the car. I think my children deserve my undivided attention at least once everyday.

What have been the biggest challenges or obstacles you’ve faced being a mom and how were you able to overcome them? After each child was born, I often left my husband’s needs go unmet. Though babies take a lot of time and energy, I needed to remember my husband as well because we aren’t a happy family unless he’s happy too. It took bravery on my part to leave my baby with a sitter (we moms worry!), but we have since made date nights a priority. We go on two dates–just the two of us–twice a month. Even if it is just a light dinner, a walk, and a trip to the grocery store, the opportunity to unwind and reconnect has made such a difference in our marriage!

How do you balance the demands of your career, family, life, etc.?
When I wake up in the morning I like to map out my day. I usually have a to-do list that’s a mile long, but I just choose four or five things to try to conquer. Unloading and loading the dishwasher counts! For me, it’s about prioritizing. Sometimes I don’t accomplish everything on my to-do list, but I cut myself some slack because I do know that my efforts are enough. The house isn’t spotless but we don’t live in filth, we aren’t eating a gourmet meal tonight but it does include a meat and a veggie, and most importantly, my family is happy.

What is the perfect picture of “you time”? I think the perfect picture of “me time” would last all day! I’d exercise, shower, edit some photos (all in deafening silence), and spend the remainder of my time playing on a warm sunny beach. But playing isn’t any fun without the ones I love!



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