We pride ourselves on our consultants and truly feel as if we have the most knowledgeable and well trained team around. That’s why it’s always fun to get to know them on a deeper level and hear their hearts. Today’s consultant spotlight is on Rachel Fiorello. This mommy of two beauties is a one-of-a-kind consultant. She has worked on The Cradle Coach team for four years and is now one of the lead sleep consultants of the team. Her heart for the families she works with is nothing but absolute genuine love. Rachel is passionate about making a difference in the lives of parents as they journey through the struggles of sleep during the baby and toddler years. 

Q: What do you enjoy the most about working with the families that you serve?
A: I absolutely love hearing how sleep saves families.  That may sound silly but I cannot tell you how often I hear gratitude from my clients over literally changing their lives.  Their baby is happier than they ever could have imagined, they are getting to spend more time together as a couple and are not as sleep deprived, and their whole family dynamic improves.  It is absolutely the best part about working with our Cradle Coach families.

Q: What is your favorite part about being a sleep consultant?
A: My favorite part about being a sleep consultant is playing such a crucial role in helping families reach their goals.  I am able to teach parents healthy ways to get what it is they are looking for from their baby’s sleep.  This goes along with what I mention in the question above, too.  Being that person to help these families experience those positive changes in their lives is more than I could ask for!

Q: What have been some of your most meaningful relationships that you’ve formed with families over the years?  
A: I’ve developed many relationships with my clients over the years.  I get email updates, see pictures, and even run into some families in person.  I’ve seen parents’ marriages improve and I’ve also seen some fall apart for a variety of reasons.  I will get emails thanking me for the sleep advice I gave years earlier because sometimes the one constant in some of these children’s lives is their solid, positive sleep habits.  

Q: What is your favorite sleep package we offer and why? 
A: I really do love all of the packages we offer.  Any form of communication with the families I work with is special.  If I had to choose one, though, I’d say my absolute favorite sleep package is our In-Home or Overnight package.  It is so special when a family allows you into their home to meet their little one and you get to walk them through the process, step by step.  I’m able to watch their confidence grow and see their child’s improvement in person.

Q: Are there any heart-warming, humorous, or inspirational stories you could share?  
A: I have so many heartwarming stories from families I have worked with throughout the years.  Every family holds a special place in my heart and I never forget them.  I love receiving emails months, even YEARS later sometimes, with pictures and words of gratitude for all I have done to help these families.

This always makes me laugh though – I never thought I’d talk so much about poop!  Ha!  I always get asked tons of poop questions, always know when the babies I work with have pooped during sleep training, and have even been asked how to “adjust” a child’s routine poop schedule!

Q: How has your own experience as a mother helped to prepare you for the work that you’re doing? 
A: Being a mother to my two sweet girls has made me the sleep consultant I currently am.  I am able to fully understand what my clients are going through.  I treat every family I work with as if I am working with my own children because I would never give advice to a client that I wouldn’t be willing to do myself.  I have sleep trained both of my girls and, without that experience, I wouldn’t be able to relate to the families I work with.

Q: What has been the most surprising thing about working with infants?   
A: The most surprising thing about working with infants is how different and SMART they all are!  Seriously!  I am constantly blown away with how even the youngest of babies are all so different, in a variety of ways.

Want to work with Rachel? Connect with her at rachel@thecradlecoach.com



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