Taken by Leah Hartman Photography

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Asking for help has got to be one of my least favorite things to do. I know it sounds crazy, especially when I desire helping people so much. It’s an area in my life though I really have tried working on. People want to help and enjoy it, but it’s the idea that I am […]

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Bed Wetting One of the most common questions I receive from parents after their child is potty trained is, “What do I do at night? Do I use a diaper, pull up, or nothing?” Potty training a child should be done only after the child has developed bladder control. The average age ranges from 2-4 […]

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When you have a new baby, most of the time you are on what I like to call “survival mode”. Survival mode simply describes the period of time you are so exhausted, you will do whatever it takes to get your little one to sleep. However long they want to sleep for, you allow. Wherever […]

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Bringing Home Baby Bringing home your baby is one of the most eventful and fulfilling days of your life. That being said, it can also be somewhat overwhelming. With over 200 births Doulas of the Palm Beaches has seen it all, heard it all, and continues to learn a lot of good and sometimes not […]

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I am the owner of and lead baby and toddler sleep consultant at The Cradle Coach. I am a family-first mom of three, goal-oriented entrepreneur, to-do list extraordinaire, avid dreamer and unshakable optimist dedicated to helping tired families all around the world give their child the best sleep possible.

I had the opportunity to take over The Cradle Coach from its’ incredible founder, Melissa Perry, in 2023. For over 11 years, The Cradle Coach team has been supporting, educating, and partnering with tired, busy families, to develop customized sleep training plans for their babies and toddlers.

If you are ready to go from surviving these precious moments with your child, to thriving – it’s time to make gentle changes and give your child the sleep they need!


i'm marli

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Sleep Training Myths Guide

Finally understand what IS and what is NOT true about Sleep Training.

With so much information available on the internet, it's hard to know what to believe. This guide breaks down all of the most common misconceptions about sleep training and gives you straight-forward information that you can trust.

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